Thought, No Prayers.
It’s BEEN time. And yet — I observe the opposite being true.
While some good deets do go unpunished, the rewarding of anti social, ruthless and selfish behavior with total lack of remorse and consideration for others seems to be at an all time high. Especially in the USA, but maybe it’s my narrow focus that makes me believe that.
I consider it a result of capitalism, and lack of help for those who have not. This is NOT a criticism of capitalism, by the way, which I believe brings about many positive things. They say don’t hate the player hate the game, and if you can’t beat them join them, but what kind of world are we creating?
And why do I care, I have no kids, and no possibility to change things anyways. To hell with it, blessed are those who care less.
If you look at some of the unfairness in this world — especially in some countries outside the US and Europe, don’t you think maybe we deserve this climate change?
We had our fun it’s time to die now.
Maybe the next species that manages to take itself out of the food chain and gets to run this planet will do better.